Emma's Wesley Testimony

I have been at the Wesley Foundation for almost six years. When I first started coming to Louisiana Tech I was someone who was in loneliness wanting a way to get out. Each day I would search for someone to be friends with but I would never have the courage to interact with them. One day after English class a girl, named Ki, invited me to The Wesley’s weekly lunch. And because of her, I was able to meet other people from The Wesley. They pursued me asking me to come to small group, to parties, and asking me to help cook with them. The first half of my freshman year there I was in and out. Only going when I was asked to come.

During that spring quarter, I decided to go to their Spring Retreat. This was the event that got me plugged into the Wesley and what got me to come back. Going to the Wesley allowed me to open up to people and it showed me that I can be myself. It took time and continual pursuit but through them, God has thought me to be the woman of Christ he has made me to be. I have also learned what the church is supposed to look like and what it means to be a true follower of Christ. My pursuit of God has grown stronger and I can see Him for who He truly is.

Each year after that I started going on their summer missions. I have been to Cambodia, San Francisco, the Rural Appalachia, and Mexico. Each summer I got to see a side of God I have never seen before or thought imaginable. He has shown me what it means to love people and for my heart to break for them. My senior year of college I applied to be an intern at The Wesley Foundation. During that time I was mentored by the director Ryan Ford. I was challenged to be a better Christian. I was educated and taught how to educate others.

After that year I decided to do the internship again. This year I am a second-year intern at The Wesley Foundation and I will be leading a mission trip to Haiti. While we have two more quarters left of the school year I have had so many opportunities. The Wesley has a weekly service on Tuesday nights, called The Well, in which our director would give a sermon. He gave me the same opportunity to speak. It was important to me that I tell people the truth. That I articulate to them who Jesus is and the love in which He has for us. And knowing that I was talking about someone I cared for allowed me to be calm. It allowed me to be peaceful.     

Now having been at the Wesley Foundation for almost six years I am applying to Duke Divinity School. I want to learn more about who Christ is and the love He has for His children. And one day I will tell people His story and love every Sunday morning.

I love to tell the story because I know ‘tis true;

It satisfies my longing as nothing else can do

The Wesley